Shopping Small is a Big Deal

Shopping Small is a Big Deal

It's that time of year again! I smile imagining your Earth-loving, makeup-loving friends and family unwrapping our plastic-free goodies! I know they will love them! And so will our Earth!!! 

Besides delighting in the joy of giving the holiday season brings, this post is a huge plea to pleaaaaase, please prioritize small businesses over Amazon and big box stores this season (and all the time, tbh).
There are so many wonderful reasons to shop with small businesses, but here are a few:
  • They're just cooler, okay?? Hand-knit socks? Homemade jewelry? A coffee company some human has been dreaming about since they were 5?!? I love supporting people's passions. What a serious joy!
  • When you shop small, you're paying for their groceries, and maybe even your neighbor's paycheck. Did you know that almost half of workers in the U.S. are employed by a small business? Pretty sweet.
  • Small businesses are way more likely to be ethical and conscious. They are way closer to the supply chain and therefore can make changes to benefit people and the earth.
  • Small businesses can make "riskier" choices because they don't have to order 5 million units from that overseas factory. That means their stuff can be way more fun.
  • Shopping small supports the people who live in that community. The estimates are that $0.67 of every dollar spent with a small business stays in the local economy. That means benefits for schools, libraries, fire departments and non-profits!
  • Small businesses are more generous. How much so? Well, they're a whopping 250% more likely to give back to the local community than large companies. 
  • Seriously, Jeff Bezoz and Amazon just don’t need your money… he adds $500 every second to his already billion dollar wealth.
So, thank you for shopping small and mindfully! :) Bonus points if you buy holiday flowers from people selling them on the road-side and tamales and desserts from local families. 
If you are looking to buy Axi gifts this year, here are my recommendations:
1. Full Face Sets- this is everything all in one- contour, bronzer, blush, lipstick, eyeshadow, highlight! 
2. Super Fan Pack- Balmies are so fun for creatives and artists who love makeup (it reminds them of crayons or oil pastels) and also for the teenagers. This set encourages you to play!
3. Best Tinted Dew for everyone- The Goodness (subtle color and basically a lip balm)
4. Best Color Cream for everyone- Loyalty. The perfect subtle rose. 
5. Lip Balm- who doesn't love??